A little risky fellow has tangled himself up on this tiger’s tail. We will have to see if this tiger’s interested expression is based on hunger or playful curiosity.
This is the color comp for my twoodle from last week.
Ah! I did it again didn’t I? I got behind on posts, this should have been out yesterday morning. Two things lent themselves to this delay. One, I am working on something I can’t share yet. So, my pastels that were actually done Monday, is under wraps until the finish gets into the hands of the recipient. Then, I have gotten back into the habit of visiting our library. With a new treasure trove of books on loan I have been reading a little obsessively. We found some really great books! I couldn’t help myself but, sit and read for a few endless hours.
If you want to keep up with what I’m reading I am using Goodreads to keep track.
My favorites from this past visit are R.L. LaFevers Nathaniel Fludd Beastologist series. They are perfect middle grade adventure reads. Nathaniel is adorable and easy to relate to. The illustrations by Kelly Murphy are just right for the feel of the book.
Tagged: Beastologist, Casey G, Casey Girard, Opossum, tiger